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Researcher won second place at the VII Pitches Contest of Compostela Group of Universities.

Dr. Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán, together with the support of Dr. José Ambrosio Bastián, researchers of Universidad La Salle México, obtained second place at the VII Research Pitches Contest of the Compostela Group of Universities (Grupo Compostela de Universidades). They participated with the presentation of DORI: Development of Orthopedic Robotic Intelligence to improve movement in children with congenital arthrogryposis multiplex.

DORI is the work of our Lasallians within the Research, Development and Innovation Group (GIDi) Assistive and Collaborative Robotics. It consists of designing and developing a device that serves to improve a diminished function to support the performance of daily movements in girls and boys. In addition, you will use classic control techniques and artificial intelligence.

The purpose of this International Competition is that University research staff have the opportunity to disseminate their work within and outside their Institution, as well as find funding, contact research groups carrying out similar projects, and attract staff and students interested in common topics.

This is the first time that Universidad La Salle México, through the Research Vice-Rector Department participates in this Competition. With such results, La Salle promotes the development of Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) Projects that address social needs with a transdisciplinary vision.

Check the winning pitch, click here.

More information about the Project, click here.

Pitches research contest VII

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