Dra. Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán
Full academic degree:
Doctor in Science with specialization in Automatic Control
I+D+i groups to which she belongs:
Topics of her interest:
- Basic and applied area for the implementation of classical and modern control algorithms in robotic systems and automated processes, for the benefit of society.
About her:
Electronic Engineer from the Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec (TESE). In addition, she has a Master’s and Doctorate in Science with a specialization in Automatic Control obtained at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN (CINVESTAV Zacatenco), as well as a Postdoctorate at the IPN, ESIME Azcapotzalco. She has also completed several courses in the pedagogical area.
In her professional experience, she has collaborated in the company INELECTRONIC, participating in the development of electronic cards, management, programming and maintenance of machines with surface mount technology, functional tests and repair of multimedia equipment. She did a 3-month research stay in 2009 at L’université de technologie de Compiègne (UTC), in Compiègne, France, focused on working with drones.
She has been a professor at TESE from 2010 to 2014, and subsequently professor and researcher at La Salle University since 2013 and 2014, respectively. She has taught at the bachelor’s and postgraduate level at Universidad Simón Bolívar from May 2019 to January 2022. She has contributed to the generation of knowledge through publications in national and international congresses, as well as in refereed journals. He has also shared his experience and knowledge in conferences.
She is part of the Research Group Development and Innovation of Assistive and Collaborative Robotics at La Salle University. She was a member of the organizing committee of the Research, Development and Technological Innovation Competition (CIDIT) of the Faculty of Engineering of La Salle. She belonged to the National System of Researchers (SNI) as a researcher candidate in the period 2015-2017. She was Technical Responsible of a project with external funding from sectorial funds by CONACYT-ASA, which culminated with the construction and delivery of a monitoring drone for airports in Mexico (2016-2019).
She has been recognized as a professor of excellence by the Faculty of Engineering of La Salle University on several occasions and has won the “Indivisa Manent” award three times. She won second place in the VII Research Pitch Competition of the Compostela Group of Universities in 2023.
Projects she has made:
Start date: 2022
End date: 2025
Status: Active
Design, construction and control of a humanitarian drone for medical applications.
Start date: 2018
End date: 2022
Status: Finished
Start date: 2016
End date: 2019
Status: Finished
Other speeches:
- Comparativa de variantes en control clásico para un dron de cuatro rotores (November 9th, 2022) 1er. Congreso Internacional de Mecatrónica, Control e Inteligencia Artificial CIMCIA 2022, UNAM FES Cuautitlán, Mexico City, Mexico.
- El papel de la Robótica durante la pandemia (March 25th, 2022) Jornadas de Ingeniería Tecnología e Innovación 2022, Facultad de Ingeniería La Salle México, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Diseño, construcción y control de un dron humanitario para aplicaciones médicas (July 6-8, 2021) 4° Encuentro de Investigadores Lasallistas Virtual, La Salle RIILSA.
- Ciencia y tecnología con perspectiva de género (March 8th, 2022) Marco de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, La Salle México, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Hablando de Multi-Transdisciplina: de la teoría a la práctica (February 25th, 2021) Seminario Inter-Transdisciplinar V – Doctorado en Educación y Doctorado en Administración, La Salle México, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Desarrollo, implementación y puesta en operación de un dron y software para revisión de cercados perimetrales y presencia de fauna y seguridad en los perímetros de un aeropuerto (October 20th, 2018) Jornadas Académicas Multidisciplinarias de Posgrado, Universidad Simón Bolívar.
- Robótica y sus aplicaciones (June 15th, 2017) Segunda edición de la Academia de Innovación para la mujer de las américas, La Salle México, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Impacto social de la Robótica (October 13th, 2016) XVIII Concurso Lasallista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 2016 “Hno. Salvador González”, La Salle México, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Robots Aéreos (July 20th, 2011) Tercera edición de Campus Party México, Santa Fe. Mexico City, Mexico.
Institutional production:
- Ambrosio, J., Zamudio, Z. (2018) Memorias del Concurso de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2018 “Ing. Guillermo Salazar Polanco”.
Other publications:
- Lavín-Delgado, J., Zamudio, Z., Gómez-Aguilar, J., Pérez-Careta, E. (May 9th, 2023) “Controlling a quadrotor UAV by means of a fractional nested saturation control”. Advances in Space Research, Vol. 17, Issue 9.
- Zamudio, Z., Bastián, J., Benítez-Keller, O. (2022) “Desarrollo e implementación de estación medidora de temperatura y oxígeno y aplicación móvil para prevención y seguimiento de casos COVID-19 en la comunidad Lasallista Campus Condesa” Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación, Desarrollo e innovación 2022, Vol. 8, No. 3.
- Bastián, J., Zamudio, Z. (2022) “Prototipo de sistema en gestión automática de listas rotativas del alumnado en la comunidad Lasallista, para asistencia presencial o en línea, cumpliendo las restricciones ante la Contingencia por SARS-CoV-2” Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación, Desarrollo e innovación 2022, Vol. 8, No. 3.
- Bazán, C., Zamudio, Z. (November, 2018) “Detection of Traffic Panels in Night Scenes Using Cascade Object Detector”, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering ICMEAE.
- Mora, O., Zamudio Z. (November, 2018) “Real-time Drone (UAV) trajectory generation and tracking by Optical Flow”, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering ICMEAE.
- Soberanis, D., Zamudio, Z. (November, 2018) “Comparison of different classifiers to detect symptoms of drowsiness before the vehicle is in motion using a heartbeat pulse bracelet”, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering ICMEAE.
- Zamudio, Z., Bastián, J., Lupián, F. (November, 2015) “Trayectory tracking using a vision system in a controlled environment for a Drone”, IEEE Vigesimoquinta reunión Internacional de Otoño de Comunicaciones, Computación, Electrónica, Automatización, Robótica y Exposición Industrial ROC&C’.
- Rubio, J., Zamudio, Z., Meda, J., Moreno, M. (August, 2015) “Experimental Vision Regulation of a Quadrotor”, IEEE Latin America Transaction, Vol. 13, No. 8.
- Rubio, J., Pérez-Cruz, J., Zamudio, Z., Salinas, A. (2014) “Comparison of two quadrotor dynamic models”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Latin America Transactions.
- Rubio, J., Zamudio, Z., Pacheco, J., Mújica, D. “Proportional Derivative Control with Inverse Dead-Zone for Pendulum Systems”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013.